I'm A Celebrity's Nella Rose furious as she is voted for EIGHTH trial

I’m A Celebrity’s Nella Rose looks furious as she is voted to do her EIGHTH Bushtucker Trial and proclaims: ‘This is b******t’

  •  READ MORE: Meet the 2023 campmates! 

Nella Rose looked furious as she was voted for yet another trial at the end of Saturday’s episode. 

The YouTuber, 26, seemed visibly annoyed as hosts Ant and Dec came into camp to confirm the social media star will take part in her eighth trial Fright At The Museum in Sunday’s episode. 

The trial vote came down to Nella and Josie Gibson, before Ant confirmed that Nella would be sent to win the stars for camp. 

When her name was announced Nella looked visibly upset as she repeated to the campmates that this was her eighth trial. 

Despite Danielle Harold’s attempts to comfort her, the star looked visibly down cast as she said: ‘this is b******t,’ before adding: ‘I don’t give a f**k.’

I’m A Celebrity’s Nella Rose looked furious as she was voted for her EIGHTH trial during Saturday’s episode

The trial vote came down to Nella and Josie Gibson , before Ant confirmed that Nella would be sent to win the stars for camp

The announcement comes after Ant and Dec also revealed that Sunday night will mark the start of the public vote as the campmates enter their final week in the jungle. 

As viewers took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the latest vote it seemed the majority were happy to see her up for another Bushtucker trial. 

One wrote: ‘Result, karma comes to #nellarose She is doing the trial. Next stop #NellaOut.’

While a second penned: ‘Vote nella rose #nellarose nowwww on I am a celebrity app’ and another compared her to a deflated balloon. 

Referring to Nella’s own words on Friday’s episode when she explained she had made Fred Sirieix pot washer as ‘karma’ for his complaints about her washing up abilities, another wrote: ‘This is what happens when the public see your true colours #nellarose remember the word you said “ #Karma “

‘It’s coming right back to you!’

Another added: ‘ Odds on #nellarose will suddenly feel ill just before the trial’ after the star was seen by the camp medics. 

Yet others were quick to sympathise with the star, as one wrote: ‘Guys please stop voting for @nellarose poor thing.. it’s getting too much for her.. let the others do the trials too’. 

A second added: ‘Save Nella’.  

Another joked: ‘At least the Zero Stars that @nellarose will ‘win’ after screaming “IACGMOOH” after about 10 seconds will mean that no one will get food poisoning,’ as they referred to Josie’s dodgy cooking skills. 

Despite Danielle Harold ‘s attempts to comfort her, the star looked visibly down cast as she swore: ‘I don’t give a f***’

The announcement comes after Ant and Dec also revealed that Sunday night will mark the start of the public vote as the campmates enter their final week in the jungle

As viewers took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the latest vote it seemed the majority were happy to see her up for another Bushtucker trial.

Yet others were quick to sympathise with the star

It comes after fans slammed Nella for quitting her last Bushtucker trial on Friday. 

Once again Nella was unable to see a trial through as she became the latest celebrity to say ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’ after she was joined by cockroaches in her compartment in the Grim Gutter trial. 

Despite Nick’s attempts to keep the team calm, Nella bowed out of the challenge as she exclaimed : ‘I’m a celebrity, get me out of here’ again. 

Supported by Nick he assured her: ‘Don’t worry Nells, don’t worry.’

Nella said: ‘I’m so sorry guys.’

Taking to Twitter viewers were quick to slam the star for quitting so easily again as they teased the star’s decision. 

Sharing a meme of someone doing a tally on a whiteboard, they wrote: ‘Nella saying ‘I’m a celebrity, get me out of here’ again’.

A second commented: ‘Nella quit because she was angry?!?!I’ve watched many many series of #ImaCeleb and I don’t think I’ve ever disliked anyone more than I dislike #nella’

A third added: ‘Me trying to act surprised that Nella said Im a celebrity get me out of here again…’

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